Banana Hammock 7 x Unknown Old-School Skunk
20, regular seeds. The Banana Hammock parent was a completely unique pheno which possessed absolutely vile, rotten bile terpenes. It was of medium height, and had dense, tampon-shaped buds. The male skunk parent was acquired via a friend who hold some very old-school genetics and this is the only cross using it I’ve grown-out so far. I grew-out 25 females of this cross and the old-school nature was vert apparent. Plants were generally tall, and 20 out of the 25 phenos produced GIGANTIC, though not particularly dense buds. I mean genuinely 2L soda bottle sized buds in some cases. Though fairly loose in structure, these buds were terpy across the board. Likely great washing material. Terps ranged from very funky, to very spicy. None were lacking in stink. The other five phenos showed the more modern, dense structure of the Banana Hammock parent and were equally terpy. Expect wide variation, tall plants, and massive, loose-ish buds.
20, regular seeds. The Banana Hammock parent was a completely unique pheno which possessed absolutely vile, rotten bile terpenes. It was of medium height, and had dense, tampon-shaped buds. The male skunk parent was acquired via a friend who hold some very old-school genetics and this is the only cross using it I’ve grown-out so far. I grew-out 25 females of this cross and the old-school nature was vert apparent. Plants were generally tall, and 20 out of the 25 phenos produced GIGANTIC, though not particularly dense buds. I mean genuinely 2L soda bottle sized buds in some cases. Though fairly loose in structure, these buds were terpy across the board. Likely great washing material. Terps ranged from very funky, to very spicy. None were lacking in stink. The other five phenos showed the more modern, dense structure of the Banana Hammock parent and were equally terpy. Expect wide variation, tall plants, and massive, loose-ish buds.
20, regular seeds. The Banana Hammock parent was a completely unique pheno which possessed absolutely vile, rotten bile terpenes. It was of medium height, and had dense, tampon-shaped buds. The male skunk parent was acquired via a friend who hold some very old-school genetics and this is the only cross using it I’ve grown-out so far. I grew-out 25 females of this cross and the old-school nature was vert apparent. Plants were generally tall, and 20 out of the 25 phenos produced GIGANTIC, though not particularly dense buds. I mean genuinely 2L soda bottle sized buds in some cases. Though fairly loose in structure, these buds were terpy across the board. Likely great washing material. Terps ranged from very funky, to very spicy. None were lacking in stink. The other five phenos showed the more modern, dense structure of the Banana Hammock parent and were equally terpy. Expect wide variation, tall plants, and massive, loose-ish buds.